Kyogashi Design Contest 2021

The winning works will be displayed at the “Palm-sized Nature – Tsurezuregusa” Exhibition 2021

Kyoto-style confections feature unique designs, which correspond with the place, occasion or the receiver. Classical literature along with Waka poetry has played a major role in creating themes and visual aspects for these small works of art. Since the first year of this contest, we have been organizing yearly confectionery exhibitions under the themes of “Rinpa,” “Jakuchu and Buson,” “Hyakunin Isshu,” “Tale of Genji,” “Manyoshu,” and “ZEN.”

This year, we will be presenting “Tsurezuregusa” (Essays in Idleness), one of the finest collections of Japanese “zuihitsu” essays. “Tsurezuregusa” was written by Yoshida Kenko, who had a great influence on Japanese literature, namely in the Edo period, which was the period when Yuuhisai Koudoukan was built.

Although “Tsurezuregusa” was written 700 years ago, the language and images still continue to intrigue people in the modern days, which only confirms the sharpness of the author’s observations. We feel that people living in the unstable world of today can obtain many hints from the essay’s world view. It teaches us to look very closely around us, to observe very carefully and deeply.

Contest Details

Theme: Tsurezuregusa

Kyogashi has been created, influenced by literature, art, and Japanese  poetry. 

We are expecting kyogashi designs full of sensitivity, inspired by the world of Tsurezuregusa.



 (1) Kyogashi Design Category:


Please submit a design concept. Chosen works will be turned into kyogashi by artisans and displayed at an exhibition.

(2) Tea Ceremony Sweets Creator Category:


Please submit a photograph of your original tea confectionery (namagashi). The winners will be asked to provide their handmade sweets by Thursday


・Kyogashi Design Category: Anyone interested in kyogashi, Zen, or  Japanese culture. 
・Tea Ceremony Sweets Creator Category: Anyone who is able to  make tea ceremony sweets.  
※There are no limits on age, nationality or profession.


The Prize

・Grand Prize: one work from each category.  
The winner will get the chance to hold a solo exhibition at  Yuuhisai Koudoukan. Alternatively, there will be a tea ceremony  gathering held using the winning sweets.  
Award of Excellence: several works from each category. 
Award of The Mayor of Kyoto: one work regardless of  categories.  
Award of Classics Day Promotion Committee: one work  regardless of categories.  
Juryʼs Special Award: one work from each jury.  
Student Award: one work from the Student category. 

The Jury

• Kumakura Isao (Director, MIHO MUSEUM)※Chief juror 
• Arima Raitei (Chief abbot, Shokoku-ji Temple School of the  Rinzai sect)  
• Iezuka Tomoko (Director, The Tale of Genji Museum Uji city) 
• Enomoto Nobuyuki (President, GK Kyoto Co.)  
• Kadokawa Daisaku (The Mayor of Kyoto)  
• Sasaoka Ryuho (The head of Kado “Misho-ryu Sasaoka” ) 
• Suzuki Sohaku (Sweets Researcher)  
• Hirose Chisako (Professor emeritus, Doshisha Women’s College  of Liberal Arts)  
• Yamamoto Sota (General Producer, Classics Day Promotion  Committee)  
• Hamasaki Kanako (Director of Yuuhisai Koudoukan)

Application Dates

Submissions accepted from Monday June 21, 2021 to Tuesday August  31, 2021

Application Process

  1. First round: Works will be selected from design concepts in the case of Kyogashi Design Category, or from photographs in the case of Tea Ceremony Sweets Creator Category. The results will be announced on the website. The applicants of the winning works will be noticed by mail. All chosen works will be displayed at the “Palm-sized Nature ‒ Tsurezuregusa” Exhibition2021.  
  2. Exhibition set up: The works from the Design Category will be made and set up by kyogashi artisans. Applicants from the Tea Ceremony Sweets Creator Category will be asked to deliver their works in person or by post. The contestants will be notified about the exact dates and other details.  
  3. Second round: The jury will select the Grand Prize and the Award of Excellence from the works chosen from the first round. (For the Tea Ceremony Sweets Creator Category, there will be a tasting exam as well.)  
  4. Award Ceremony: A ceremony will be held on October 30 (Saturday). ※The date may change.

How to Apply

◆ Apply by Mail Form:
Please fill in the mail form on the bottom of this page, and send it  with the photo or image of your work attached.

◆Apply by Application Form
(1) Application form: Please fill in the form from the flyer or print out the form from this official website.  
(2) Ways of application: For the Design Category, we accept applications by post, E-mail, or applications delivered in person. For the Creator Category, we accept applications by post or applications delivered in person. Applications by FAX are not accepted for any category.  
(3) Where to Apply: Please send the filled out application to the address or E-mail below. Applications cannot be returned.

Download of the application form.
Please download from here.

Points of evaluation

・The applicant’s way of perceiving of Tsurezuregusa, ability to use the characteristic properties of kyogashi, while creating something  original.  
・It is said, that kyogashi are to be “eaten with one’s ears,” meaning  that they are given poetical names. We hope that the designs and the name of the design make each other stand out.  
・How the design takes into consideration of the primary function of  sweets ‒ to be eaten.  


・Only original works which have not been presented elsewhere (in Japan or abroad) are accepted.  One work is accepted from one application form, and up to two works in total by each applicant will be accepted.  
・Works consisting of a group of two or more sweets cannot be  submitted for the Kyogashi Design Category or Tea Ceremony Sweets  Creator Category.  
・During the exhibition, the works will be exchanged for fresh ones in case of discolouration or decay. Therefore, for the chosen works in the Creator Categories, the applicant will be asked to provide at least 15 pieces for judgement, and 20 pieces for the exhibition.  
・For the Design Category, the sweets for the exhibition will be made  by a craftsman according to the design concept. The design of the actual sweet might be slightly changed due to technical reasons.  
・The applications cannot be returned. The personal information will be respected and will not be used for purposes other than the contest and exhibition.  
・The design concepts, application photographs and chosen works  will become the intellectual property of Yuuhisai Koudoukan. They will be carefully stored by the foundation.  
・The organizer reserves the right to use the design and the  applicant’s names at Yuuhisai Koudoukan, for the exhibition flyers,  website etc.  
・Due to the changes of the social conditions, the Kyogashi  exhibition may be held on the website.

Contact Information

Yuuhisai Koudoukan Foundation (closed on Wednesdays)  
524-1 Mototsuchimikado-cho, Kamigyo-ku , Kyoto, 602-8006 Japan.  Tel/FAX 075-441-6662  
WEB: :

Mail Form

Submissions are accepted until August 31 (Tuesday), 2021.  When the mail form is sent, we will send you a confirmation e-mail. Please make sure you can receive e-mail from




    ※Not necessary


    ※Please indicate if you have any specific zen word, person, work, idea as an inspiration.




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