2024年1月28日(日)~2月12日(月・祝)京菓子展10周年特別展「一席一菓 あつらえのかたち」を開催いたします。
◆亭主 × 菓子職人
– 天野 喜孝(画家/イラストレーター) × 植村 健士(有職菓子御調進所 老松/京菓子展 2018年 大賞 ほか)
– 池坊 専宗(華道家/写真家) × 塩貝 祥代(学校法人大和学園講師/京菓子展 2021年 大賞)
– 叶 松谷(陶芸家/京焼清水焼窯元三代目) × 今西 善也(鍵善良房)
– 川邊 りえこ(書道家/美術家) × 垣本 晃宏(ASSEMBLAGES KAKIMOTO)
– 串野 真也(ファッションデザイナー/アーティスト) × 金谷 亘(京菓子司 金谷正廣)
– 森山 未來(俳優/ダンサー) × 杉山 早陽子(御菓子丸)
– ヤノベケンジ(現代美術作家/京都芸術大学教授) × 中丸 剛志(有職菓子御調進所 老松/京菓子展 2022年 京都市長賞 ほか)
– 夢枕 獏(小説家) × 幾世橋 陽子(まめいち/京菓子展 2016年 大賞 ほか)
– ルシール・レイボーズ(写真家/KYOTOGRAPHIE共同創設者) × 髙家 裕典(御菓子司 聚洸)
◆有斐斎弘道館 館長 濱崎加奈子コメント
京菓子展10周年特別展「京菓子展 一席一菓 あつらえのかたち」
【会場】有斐斎弘道館(京都市上京区上長者町通新町東入る元土御門町 524-1)
入館料:入館券(京菓子と抹茶付き) 大人2,500円、学生2,000円(要予約)
入館のみ 大人1,000円、学生500円
本会場限定セット*1 3,500円(要予約)
寄付セット*2 10,000円(要予約)
*1 入館券(京菓子と抹茶付き)と特別限定菓子のセット
*2 本会場限定セットに懐紙、有斐斎弘道館への寄付を加えたセット
開館時間:9:00〜17:00/最終入館16:30まで ※水曜休館
入館料:大人 平日500円 土日祝日600円、中高生300円、小学生200円
呈茶料:京菓子と抹茶 1,000円
協力:有職菓子御調進所 老松、御菓子丸、ASSEMBLAGES KAKIMOTO、鍵善良房、京菓子司 金谷正廣、京阪ホールディングス株式会社、御菓子司 聚洸、学校法人大和学園、株式会社文藝春秋、まめいち

Details of the Kyogashi Exhibition “One Time, One Sweet – Handcrafted Stories”
Yuuhisai Koudoukan announces a special event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the “Kyogashi Exhibition,” which has been held since 2013 together with a public contest.
In this event, nine people who are active in a variety of fields will play the role of “hosts” at a tea ceremony, interact with the artisans, and display the sweets they have created to welcome their valued guests. During the exhibition, the visitors can enjoy several types of sweets from the exhibited works at the venues, along with matcha tea.
Kyoto confections are considered to be an art of “One Time, One Sweet,” carefully crafted in a dialogue with nature to match the particular day, time and place, all while considering the recipient. How will each of the hosts choose to entertain their guests, and how will the craftsmen respond to their wishes? Please enjoy the story, told between people through Kyoto sweets, with all your five senses.
◆Hosts × Confectioners
・ Yoshitaka Amano (painter/illustrator) x Kenji Uemura (Oimatsu; Kyogashi Exhibition 2018 Grand Prize winner)
・Sensou Ikenobo (ikebana artist/photographer) x Sachiyo Shiogai (lecturer at Yamato Gakuen; Kyogashi Exhibition 2021 Grand Prize winner)
・Shokoku Kano (third generation Kiyomizu ware potter) x Zenya Imanishi (Kagizen Yoshifusa)
・Rieko Kawabe (calligrapher/artist) x Akihiro Kakimoto (ASSEMBLAGES KAKIMOTO)
・Masaya Kushino (fashion designer/artist) x Wataru Kanaya (Kanaya Masahiro)
・ Mirai Moriyama (actor/dancer) x Sayoko Sugiyama (Okashimaru)
・Kenji Yanobe (contemporary artist/professor, Kyoto University of Arts) x Tsuyoshi Nakamaru (Oimatsu/Kyogashi Exhibition 2022 Kyoto City Mayor’s Award winner)
・ Baku Yumemakura (writer) x Yoko Kiyohashi (Mameichi/Kyogashi Exhibition 2016 Grand Prize winner)
・Lucille Raybose (photographer/co-founder of KYOTOGRAPHIE) x Yusuke Takaie (Juko)
◆Message from Kanako Hamasaki (Director of Yuuhisai Koudoukan)
The annual “Kyogashi Exhibition” first started in 2013, with the intention to introduce pre-modern Japan’s arts and culture, which once were comprehensive knowledge that filled the lives of Japanese people. Since 2015, a public contest and an exhibition of the winning works has been held each fall.
Kyoto confectionery can only be truly appreciated when not only the artisans who make it, but also the people who consume it, understand the background behind each confection. Since the public contest consisted of two pillars, the design category and the professional category, we have been receiving applications from various people, from elementary school students to professional craftsmen, which gave birth to new confectionery artists all over the country, and the exhibition succeeded in becoming a popular annual event.
Kyoto confectionery is an art of “One Time, One Sweet.” It is carefully created one by one, just for the occasion, with the recipient in mind, and in dialogue with nature through seasonality and materials. Despite living in an era of mass production, where anything can be obtained at any time, anywhere, and where the emphasis on economic efficiency is ever so strong, Kyoto confectionery to this day takes an incredible amount of time and effort to make. Moreover, once you eat it, it’s gone. I feel that today, as we are searching for a more sustainable society and creative ways of living as human beings, the way Kyoto sweets are made has great implications.
It is my sincere wish that this project will serve as an opportunity to reconsider the essence of Japanese culture, by expressing the stories in which people connect through Kyoto sweets.
◆Event Details
Kygashi Exhibition 10th Anniversary Special Event “One Time, One Sweet – Handcrafted Stories”
Date: January 28, 2024 (Sunday) – February 12, 2024 (Monday, holiday)
*Pre-opening event: Saturday, January 27th
【Venue】 Yuuhisai Koudoukan (524-1 Mototsuchimikado-cho, Kamichojamachi-dori Shinmachi Higashi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto)
Opening hours: 10:00-17:00 / Last entry 16:30
Admission fee: Admission ticket (includes sweets and matcha tea) 2,500 yen for adults, 2,000 yen for students (reservation required)
Admission only: 1,000 yen for adults, 500 yen for students
Main venue limited set: 13,500 yen (reservation required)*1
Donation set: 210,000 yen (reservation required) *2
*1 Admission ticket (includes sweets and matcha) and special limited edition sweets
*2 Includes two Main venue-limited sets, kaishi paper and a donation to Yuuhisai Koudoukan.
【Special venue】 Old Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa (58-2 Shimogamo Miyakawacho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)
Opening hours: 9:00-17:00 / Last entry 16:30 (Closed on Wednesdays)
Admission fee: Adults 500 yen on weekdays, 600 yen on weekends and holidays, 300 yen for junior high and high school students, 200 yen for elementary school students
Sweets and matcha: 1,000 yen
*Details about the sweets will be announced on the official Kyogashi exhibition website. *Admission tickets and ticket sets can be reserved from the Kyogashi exhibition website.
Organizer: Yuuhisai Koudoukan Foundation
Co-organizers: Old Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa Management Consortium, Kyoto City Tourism Association, Classics Day Promotion Committee
Sponsored by: Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City , Kyoto Shimbun
Cooperation: Oimatsu, Okashimaru, ASSEMBLAGES KAKIMOTO, Kagizen Yoshifusa, Kanaya Masahiro, Keihan Holdings Co., Ltd., Juko, Yamato Gakuen, Bungeishunju Co., Ltd., Mameichi
Subsidy: Agency for Cultural Affairs, FY2023 Culture and Arts Promotion Subsidy (Comprehensive Project for Promoting the Use of Regional Cultural Properties)
Official website of the Kyogashi Exhibition special event: https://issekiikka.kyogashi.jp (scheduled to be released on December 22, 2023)
Contact: 075-441-6662 (Yuuhisai Koudoukan Foundation)